Semper Reformanda <p>Jurnal Semper Reformanda merupakan jurnal yang dihususkan untuk bidang ilmu teologi. Jurnal Semper reformanda terbit dalam 2 kali setahun yaitu pada bulan April dan Oktober.</p> <p> </p> Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (PPPM) Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Lintas Budaya en-US Semper Reformanda 2528-7311 Tanggung Jawab Orang Tua dalam Mendidik Remaja Menurut Amsal 22:6 <p><em>Educating adolescents is an important issue that must be of concern to parents. The emergence of various forms of juvenile delinquency is caused by the failure of education in the family and also due to environmental factors. The purpose of this research is to describe the responsibility of parents in educating teens according to Proverbs 22:6. This research is qualitative research using the literature </em><em>review</em><em> method</em><em>. </em><em>The results of this study are that the responsibility of educating adolescents requires planning and knowledge regarding aspects of the physiological and psychological development of adolescents because adolescence is a period of transition from children to adults. The responsibility of parents in educating </em><em>teen</em><em> is to educate on the right path, educate according to their development and instill spiritual values from an early age.</em> <em>This study concludes that educating </em><em>teen</em><em> requires skills, knowledge, and exemplary. Parents' example is a living picture of instilling true faith in adolescents.</em></p> Iman Kurniadi Tendy Caroline Hulu Copyright (c) 2023 Semper Reformanda 2023-04-01 2023-04-01 5 1 1 8 Studi Teologis Penderitaan Orang Benar Ditinjau Dari Perspektif Kitab Ayub <p><em>The Book of Job tells about the trials that godly and righteous people experience. This incident often raises questions for some people, why do the righteous suffer? The suffering that Job experienced shows that suffering can be experienced by anyone, including people who are Righteous and godly. The method in this study uses a descriptive qualitative approach. The aim is to describe a phenomenon faced by Christians regarding suffering. The results of this study show that behind the suffering of the righteous, there is always the hope and glory of God that is revealed. God allows suffering to test the faith of believers and reveal His sovereignty. This study concludes that people who believe and are faithful in suffering will get restoration and receive blessings from God.</em></p> Fransius Kusmanto Benny Makalmai Christina Adelia Manullang Copyright (c) 2023 Semper Reformanda 2023-04-01 2023-04-01 5 1 9 15 Wawasan Eklesiologi Yang Inklusif Bagi Terciptanya Keesaan Gereja <p><em>The discourse of “unity of the church” does not exist in an empty space. It is presented with a valid and strong basis of theological philosophy and history of the past. The theological foundations include the understanding that the church is the body of Christ. Meanwhile, the historical basis is the inclusive, universal and integrative perspective and treatment of the early church in its relationships with each other. But the various schisms that have colored the course of its history since the fifth century have ruined everything. An inclusive perspective (inclusivism) turns into exclusive (exclusivism). As a result, the efforts to restore the “unity of the church,” which was promoted by the Ecumenical Movement, have so far not yielded the desired results. By using descriptive qualitative research methods with data collection techniques through library research, the researchers found that the exclusivism that was born as an implication of the long history of schism has made it difficult for efforts to restore the unity of the church.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Henoch Budiyanto Musa Haisoo Eleonora Patricia Selfina Pello Copyright (c) 2023 Semper Reformanda 2023-04-01 2023-04-01 5 1 16 24 Keteladanan Yusuf yang Mengasihi Tuhan dan Keluarganya serta Implikasinya bagi Warga Gereja <p><em>In the Old Testament, the most written and interesting narrative discussed is the story of the life of Joseph, the son of Jacob. These various texts and events, when contemplated, have good relevance for the church today. Joseph's example in loving God and loving family is the largest collection of case studies ever written. The author observes how the importance of love is found throughout the Bible because this is God's commandment to mankind and one of the basic human needs. By loving, a harmonious, peaceful, safe and prosperous life will be created. In this study, the author tries to examine specifically Joseph's example in terms of love. Loving is always discussed because it is full of spiritual and moral life at all times. The purpose of this study is to provide a historical analysis of (1) Yusuf's example; (2) loving God and loving others; (3) application to the church today. The method used is descriptive analysis in Genesis 39-50. The results of this study show that Joseph's example can be a model as a good lesson in loving God and loving one's family, not only for oneself but for everyone who wants to have a victorious life.</em></p> Diane Elsie Umboh Poltak YP Sibarani Copyright (c) 2023 Semper Reformanda 2023-04-01 2023-04-01 5 1 25 29 Upaya Meningkatkan Pelayanan Pastoral Bagi Pelayanan Kaum Muda Masa Kini <p><em>The pastoral care for today's youth is extremely crucial to prevent them from engaging in free association or negative habits. The purpose of this research is to ensure that pastoral care in the Bible for young people can be carried out optimally, considering the high number of young individuals addicted to online games and involved in free associations. The research method used is a descriptive analysis method. The results of this research indicate that young people addicted to online games and involved in free associations can be effectively addressed through church pastoral counseling, which functions to guide, nurture, safeguard, protect, and assist young people through relevant and tailored approaches. One way to enhance understanding of pastoral care for young people is by offering Bible-based pastoral care classes.</em></p> Filemon Candra Hotma Donna Riana Copyright (c) 2023 Semper Reformanda 2023-04-01 2023-04-01 5 1 30 39